For Christmas – preperation is key! The earlier you start the better because as December moves on, the madness takes over. It’s also a good idea to get ahead and buy all the expensive bits and pieces (such as dulce de leche, good mustard, nice coffee and duck fat , as well as the boujee booze) early so you don’t have to fight the old lady for the last bottle of sherry in the shop!
2 packets Spiced Ginger Biscuits
1 bar of Aine Roasted Hazelnut 70% Chocolate (grated)
Mascarpone Cream:
4 Free Range Egg Yolks
1-2 tablespoons Px Sherry (resist putting the entire bottle in)
2 tablespoons Granulated Sugar
Vanilla Pod (seeds scraped out) or Vanilla Extract
1 tub of Garofalo Buffalo Mascarpone
1 Jar Garofalo Buffalo Dulce de Leche
1 cup whipped Crawford’s Cream
Espresso Mix:
1 cup of New Kid Coffee (made strong in a French Press)
ΒΌ cup of Vodka
75g Muscovado Sugar
Make your coffee, allowing for extra brewing time to make sure its nice and strong. Mix in the vodka and sugar while its hot to ensure the sugar dissolves.(You can make this mixture the night before and pop in the fridge if you want).
Using a hand mixer, cream the egg yolks and sugar until golden yellow and fluffy. Add the vanilla and the pot of mascarpone and incorporate with your whisk. Slowly fold in the dulce de leche, sherry and the whipped cream.
Grab an oven/casserole dish. Roll the spiced ginger biscuits in the coffee/vodka mix until they are soaked but not soggy. Pop into your dish, layer on the mascarpone mixture and repeat until all biscuits have been used. Put into the fridge for 24 hours. Grate the dark chocolate on top just before serving.