Mini French Cheesecake
About This Gifting Product
A nice little selection of french cheeses for your get together. Works well for a part size of 10-12 people.
Rove des Garrigues 70g – Sweet, slight acidity, fresh herb aroma Roves des Garrigues is a wonderfully aromatic golf-ball sized goat’s cheese from the Languedoc. Perhaps the ultimate taste of summer, it is perfect for salads and cheeseboards alike.Â
Cremeux de Bougogne 200g – A classic mould-rind double-crème cheese. Surrounded by a white bloom rind smelling faintly of mushrooms, the interior of this sumptuous, 72% butterfat cheese is a soft white paste that tastes like a heavenly mixture of butter and stiffly whipped cream.
Fourme d’Ambert 400g – With its delicate flavor, its fragrant notes with aromas of undergrowth and a very soft and round taste, Fourme d’Ambert stands out from all blue cheeses. The sweetness of the Fourme d’Ambert allows it to adapt to all the key moments of the meal; on a beautiful cheese platter but can also be combined with many savory or sweet dishes.